Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Gleeful Visit to High School

Anyone got the pun? [crickets] Glee! You know, that TV show where everyone breaks out into (mostly) showtunes and classic rock - don't get me wrong, I LOVE them both - somewhere in the school (again, mostly) and no one really pays attention but they keep singing anyway?

Being out of high school, it's sort of refreshing to watch a high school TV show that's probably as real-ish as it can get. I also like how they got most cliches and high school stereotype thing covered. While I have general beef with the whole stereotype dealio, it's also true that we were one of them to some extent when we were in high school. What I like, is that they split those traits to several characters so to give them more reality and diversity. I for one, see part of my high school self in...[counts] three of the New Directions. Emphasis on part, because I'm not exactly the real-life version of the TV character. It may be the case for others, but not for me. :)
Yes, I was that overachieving one. Maybe I still am? I's kind of inevitable when you want to be good at what you do. Although over time, I did learn to take a chill pill once in a while. And FYI, I do not send my competitions to a freaking crack house. I'm a Gryffindor; I like fair play, and I hate things that are just blatantly wrong. kthx.
Question: How is it that in a TV show, there's a seriously good chance that a character with a love of high fashion, Beyonce, and Lady Gaga are gay dudes? Newsflash people, girls love them too.
Tech-geek: check. Glasses: check. Bowl-cut: [blank]. Super preppy style: [blank]. Also happens to be my favorite character. I'd say geeks are awesome in music, because: a) as we spend hours studying, we end up building a serious iTunes music collection if we don't want to sit in silence (and we don't want that); and b) we got that whole frequency-harmony-sound-wave deal down. :D

Happy weekend :) [fade out with Queen playing in the backgound]


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