Friday, September 17, 2010

When you're alone and life is making you lonely...

You can always go Downtown. As sung by Petula Clark.

But really, what do you do when you feel like you're in need of a time out and you need to forget all your troubles and forget all your cares? I'd love to go to that said Downtown in the song, because it sounds like a magical place where you can get your smile back on. The only place I can think of is Disneyland, but that's not someplace you can go everyday. Well, for most people, anyway.

I haven't figured out a magic cure, but I know one thing for sure. My friends somehow always make me feel better and give me that push I need to be positive and to get back in the game. As is the case for everyone, I've had friends come and go in my life. It does suck when you lose touch with a friend. A lot. However, the saying, "with ever door that closes, there's always a new one that opens" is quite true. One thing I learned over time is that, thanks to this thing called Internet, it's very possible to be in touch with my friends without living in the same city. It's also possible to get back in touch with a friend and have a total blast catching up and get back on a "we talk often" basis. With instant messaging, facebooking, and tweeting, I don't think it's the physical distance that matters; these days, it's the emotional distance that does matter.

All in all, my besties are my Downtown, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Happy Friday!


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